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11/2 – This Week In Medical Advertising

{11/2} This Week In Medical Advertising

  1. Facebook Ad Set Testing – We recommend testing both ad creative and ad targeting simultaneously on Facebook. With so many targeting options available, we are always finding new ways to optimize our programs on the ad set level.
  2. Instagram Stories – With a simple click of a box in Facebook Ads Manager, your practice can now easily advertise in Instagram Stories.

By OppGen

10/26 – This Week In Medical Advertising

{10/26} This Week In Medical Advertising

  1. TV Device Type in Google Ads – You can now access bid adjustments and reporting metrics for prospects streaming your practice’s YouTube ads on TV devices.
  2. Yelp Reviews for Increased Trust – A study by Nielsen reinforced online opinions from sites like Yelp rank higher for trust than other marketing channels.
  3. Facebook Vertical Video Ads – Facebook is now offering a new vertical video ad format which is designed to drive more engagement.

By OppGen

10/19 – This Week In Medical Advertising

{10/19} This Week In Medical Advertising


  1. HTML5 Ads – Animated HTML5 ads provide enhanced engagement and brand recall.
  2. Google My Business Insights – Google My Business adds branded search reporting for more insight into your brand awareness in your market and campaigns.
  3. Facebook Events for Nurturing – Leverage Facebook Events for their in-app notifications to help drive greater seminar attendance rates.

By OppGen

10/8 – This Week In Medical Advertising

{10/8} This Week In Medical Advertising


  1. Google Ads Update – New responsive banner display ads for medical practices.
  2. YouTube Ad Extensions – All-new YouTube ad extensions allow your practice can begin leveraging for your online video, testimonials, seminars, etc.
  3. Facebook Changes Ad Income Qualifiers – Facebook has augmented income targeting to focus on public IRS data vs. previous partner data.

By OppGen

Google Responsive Display Ads for Medical Practices

New responsive banner display ads for medical practices.

Per Google, “Responsive display ads (RDA) combine your creativity with the power of Google’s machine learning to deliver relevant, valuable ads across the web, at scale.

So, what does this change actually mean for the medical practice that is currently running, or wants to run, Google display ads? Well, for one, your display ads will probably look much better than they previously did. Unless your advertising partner designs and manages your banner ads for you today – which we do (learn more here) – you have most likely been stuck using Google’s previous display ad generator. The new display ad creator now lets medical practices upload up to 15 images, 5 headlines, 5 descriptions, and 5 logos. Google then leverages these assets along with their machine learning to test different banner ad combinations and evaluates which ads perform best.

We will mention, when it comes to Google’s machine learning capabilities, we highly recommend manually developing your ads and NOT automating performance optimization. While Google’s responsive display ads are much improved, they still pale in comparison to nicely designed ads from a marketing partner. Same for the machine learning developed by Google. It will help medical practices quickly test many different variants, but there is not much strategy behind the tests generated by Google’s platform.

That said, for the practice lacking a marketing partner, or an in-house marketing person, Google’s responsive display ads are a great option for increase awareness online and expanding reach across millions of sites.

Disclaimer: In our experience, some medical segments may be prohibited from running display advertising across several different online ad platforms. Others may be able to run advertising, but may not be able to leverage customer match or like-audiences.

For more information, view the release at Google Ads.

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11/2 – This Week In Medical Advertising
10/26 – This Week In Medical Advertising
10/19 – This Week In Medical Advertising
10/8 – This Week In Medical Advertising
Google Responsive Display Ads for Medical Practices