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A screenshot from the Amazon Alexa commercial from Super Bowl LV

by OppGen

Last year, we did a round-up of what OppGen thought were the best Super Bowl commercials. We’ve decided to continue that tradition, as it is only natural for a marketing agency to discuss which commercials we thought were the best. Talking about the Super Bowl commercials is like breathing air for marketers — we can’t live without doing it.

Alonzo Foreman, Partner, and Vice President

Alexa’s Body (Amazon)

I feel the Amazon Alexa ad was a home run. It featured modern star power in Michael B. Jordan, audience aligned humor, and actual product messaging. It was enjoyable and funny without leaving the brand or product behind.

Maria Gallegos Vallejo, Front-End Developer

ScissorHandsFree (Cadillac)


My favorite Super Bowl commercial was the Cadillac all-electric car with Edward Scissorhands played by Timothee Chalamet! I get excited seeing how car companies are working toward making all-electric vehicles. I think Timothee Chalamet is an amazing actor and seeing him dressed up as Edward Scissorhands alongside Winona Ryder, who I also respect a lot, was really cool to see! 

Ken Hogan, Director of Sales

Last Year’s Lemons (Bud Light)

Bud Light Seltzer Lemonade was my favorite. It was the only one that made me laugh. Representation was way over the top and properly represented some of the silly puns and sayings we used to get through a terrible 2020.

Britny Sanders, Senior Digital Analyst

Sweet Victory (Paramount Plus)

I only turned it on to watch the halftime show so I didn’t see many commercials, unfortunately. I did see the Paramount commercial that had Patrick Stewart in it and thought it was funny.

Molly Hegner, SEO Manager

Sweet Victory (Paramount Plus)

It’s definitely the Paramount Plus commercial. It had some of my favorites, like celebrities such as Shemar Moore, James Gordon, Snooki, and the best part being that they included the Spongebob “Sweet Victory” song.

Sydney Schulte, Content Writer

Come Together (M&M’S)

Seeing the scenarios in which people gave M&Ms as an apology was really amusing, from a guy kicking the seat of the person sitting in front of him on an airplane to mansplaining, to calling a woman “Karen” (and handing her a second bag because her name is Karen). We’ve all had moments where we’ve been the person whose seat got kicked or the seat-kicker, or the Karen or person calling someone else a Karen, and I find that relatable. They were also smart to bring in some celebrity power with Dan Levi. As a Schitt’s Creek fan, seeing him pop in for a cameo at the end was fun!

Alex Sheets, Senior Digital Analyst

No Way, Norway (General Motors)

I enjoyed the General Motors EV commercial because of the familiar faces, humor, and competitiveness surrounding it. I think it successfully got the point across that GM is driven to compete with Norway in EVs sold, which benefits everyone.

Zain Khan, Operations

Workout (E*TRADE)

They were able to take a common concept of “not working out” or being “physically inactive” and showcased a young boy who is inspired and just starts. The inspiration for everyone who hasn’t been investing (net new user) has been there. With the cryptocurrency conversations becoming mainstream to the type of press r/WallStreetBets on Reddit got. Investing has been on everyone’s minds and showing a young boy taking the first step towards it is powerful. I’m sure E trade’s biggest user segment has children and are middle-aged, so it’s relatable in that capacity. Everyone’s had FOMO from all the people making money post-pandemic and they are more or less “mad” about it, so they use that powerful hook at the end. “Don’t get mad.”

Bringing it all together

Though we weren’t able to debate which commercial was the best commercial for this year’s Super Bowl in person, we look forward to the day we’ll be able to do just that. As 2021 continues on, we’ll keep doing what we know and do best: running marketing campaigns for our clients.

Featured image: Screenshot via YouTube © Amazon

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A screenshot from the Amazon Alexa commercial from Super Bowl LV
The Best 2021 Super Bowl LV Commercials, According to OppGen