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11/9 – This Week In Medical Advertising
LinkedIn Ads Medical Pinterest Ads

11/9 – This Week In Medical Advertising

{11/9} This Week In Medical Advertising   Pinterest Offers Detailed Ad Targeting – If you haven't already, it's time to...
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11/2 – This Week In Medical Advertising
Facebook Medical

11/2 – This Week In Medical Advertising

{11/2} This Week In Medical Advertising Facebook Ad Set Testing – We recommend testing both ad creative and ad targeting...
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10/26 – This Week In Medical Advertising
Channel Insights Google Ads Medical

10/26 – This Week In Medical Advertising

{10/26} This Week In Medical Advertising TV Device Type in Google Ads – You can now access bid adjustments and...
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TV Device Bidding Now Available in Google Ads for YouTube Ads
Google Ads Homebuilding YouTube

TV Device Bidding Now Available in Google Ads for YouTube Ads

TV device type bidding and reporting now available in Google Ads for YouTube ads. Raise your hand if you've cut...
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Monthly Newsletter – October 2018

Monthly Newsletter – October 2018

Reach Leads In The Consideration Phase With Quora Ads Any time you research something on Google - whether it’s restaurant...
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10/19 – This Week In Medical Advertising
Channel Insights Google Ads Medical

10/19 – This Week In Medical Advertising

{10/19} This Week In Medical Advertising   HTML5 Ads – Animated HTML5 ads provide enhanced engagement and brand recall. Google...
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10/8 – This Week In Medical Advertising
Google Ads Medical

10/8 – This Week In Medical Advertising

{10/8} This Week In Medical Advertising   Google Ads Update – New responsive banner display ads for medical practices. YouTube...
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Google Responsive Display Ads for Medical Practices
Google Ads Medical

Google Responsive Display Ads for Medical Practices

New responsive banner display ads for medical practices. Per Google, "Responsive display ads (RDA) combine your creativity with the power...
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Google Rolling Out All-New YouTube Ad Extensions
Google Ads

Google Rolling Out All-New YouTube Ad Extensions

Google to launch all-new YouTube ad extensions As Google continues their focus on user action across their ad platforms, the...
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Monthly Newsletter – September 2018

Monthly Newsletter – September 2018

Which Platform Is Right For Your Business: Google Ads or Display 360? Determining the right paid search platform for your...
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Monthly Newsletter – August 2018

Monthly Newsletter – August 2018

How To Get The Most From Those High LinkedIn CPCs It’s a well known fact that LinkedIn has some of...
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Monthly Newsletter – July 2018

Monthly Newsletter – July 2018

Google AdWords Is Now Google Ads Google is going through more rebranding, this time with the name of their infamous...
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Monthly Newsletter – June 2018

Monthly Newsletter – June 2018

FREE RESOURCE: Digital Lead Sales Follow-up Guide We’ve worked diligently on putting together a comprehensive new white paper, and we’re...
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Facebook Privacy Fallout
Channel Insights

Facebook Privacy Fallout

Most people have heard about the recent Facebook/Cambridge Analytica scandal by now and are wondering about the fallout from the...
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Monthly Newsletter – May 2018

Monthly Newsletter – May 2018

Responding to Reviews...The Secret to Better Conversion Rates? After a 16 month study from gathered search-engine marketing data, digital marketing...
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Monthly Newsletter – April 2018

Monthly Newsletter – April 2018

Facebook to Remove Reach Estimates for Custom Audiences Due to recent privacy vulnerabilities discovered in its Custom Audience feature, Facebook...
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Monthly Newsletter – March 2018

Monthly Newsletter – March 2018

Yelp Ads Fail to Deliver As specialists within the local medical segment, we're always interested in reaching patients looking to connect...
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Monthly Newsletter – February 2018

Monthly Newsletter – February 2018

As part of our optimization process, we continuously evaluate demographic data for our campaigns. A recent report stated that Facebook...
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Monthly Newsletter – January 2018

Monthly Newsletter – January 2018

We hope you enjoyed the holiday season, and your New Year is off to a great start! It’s an exciting...
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DiscoverOpp Newsletter – December 2017

DiscoverOpp Newsletter – December 2017

This holiday season is the perfect time of year to let you know how much we appreciate your business. We...
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